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36 imágenes que demuestran la belleza real de la naturaleza


El mundo diariamente nos regala espectáculos dignos de ser observados. Entre la rutina diaria y las tareas que tenemos pendientes, dejamos pasar muchos de estos detalles. Pero siempre habrá un momento en que la vida nos hará participe de estos maravillosos regalos que nos harán dar un giro en la forma que percibimos todo.

A continuación, 36 magníficas fotografías que nos demuestra que cada día es una experiencia nueva por descubrir. Si eres amante de los animales, de los paisajes, y de las expediciones de algunas personas no te quedes sin observarlas.

1- Esta chica transmite la emoción de alimentar a estas preciosas ardillas.

2- La maravilla de compartir entre especies de animales.

3- El amor que desprenden los animales que están domesticados.

4- La familia unida siempre es una bonita imagen.

5- El amor que demuestran los perros por su mejor amigo el ser humano.

6- El amor de madre siempre superando las expectativas, sea cual sea la especie de animal.

7- Momentos únicos que no se ven cada día.

8- Las amistades de la infancia que duran para toda la vida.

9- Los saludos de estos preciosos animales.

10- El abrazo entre una madre y un hijo muy cálido para mantener la calidez.

11- Las ilusiones ópticas nos regalan muchas formas de la naturaleza.

12- Atardeceres que llenan el alma de tranquilidad.

13- Cuando las tormentas nos regalan espectaculares imágenes pero que a la vez dan un poco de miedo.

14- Unas islas que nos transmiten mucha tranquilidad.

15- La aurora boreal con esos colores tan maravillosos.

16- Mar, montañas nevadas, bosque, unas vistas que transmiten mucha frescura al alma.

17- Alimentos frescos, un buen vino, y una vista preciosa, una combinación perfecta para un atardecer.

18- El mar con sus colores, oleaje y su fuerza.

19- Paisajes paradisiacos que hacen que nos relajemos incluso viéndolos en una fotografía.

20- Un viaje en un avión puede regalarnos unas vistas completamente únicas.

21-  Diferentes ángulos de la aurora boreal, pero una misma preciosidad para nuestra vista.

22- Recreaciones de películas que transmiten mucha paz y satisfacción.

23- Lugares del hogar que hacen que nos sintamos en las estrellas.

24- Navegar en este paraíso es una experiencia única. Tanto así que parece que esté levitando.

25-  Maravillas al lado de la carretera, espectaculares arboles dando sombra a nuestros caminos.

26- Habitaciones especiales en medio de la naturaleza para descansar con mucha paz.

27- Una imagen que muchos amantes del surf disfrutan.

28- Las vistas desde las alturas siempre nos darán un buen momento.

29- Estos colores cálidos cerca de un muelle y encima de las montañas nevadas nos dan un buen espectáculo.

30- Un atardecer en pleno vuelo, es digno de admirar.

31- No hay mejor momento que la tranquilidad del agua rozando los pies y una buena lectura.

32- Propuestas de matrimonio en el lugar y momentos perfectos.

33- La adrenalina mueve nuestros cuerpos.

34- Imágenes que combinan a la perfección.

35- Un atardecer en pareja muy cálido.

36- Unas vacaciones relajadas en esta hermosa pradera, donde sin duda la tranquilidad no faltará.

¿Les ha gustado estas imágenes? Comparta con sus amigos y familiares para que puedan adorar todas las imágenes a como nos han encantado a nosotros.


Deciding to study an MBA degree (Master of Business Administration) is a big step for aspiring managers. Is pursuing an MBA program offered by a business school abroad a good choice? Are the financial investment and the demanding entry requirements justified? All in all, is an MBA worth it?
If you’re preparing to enter the competitive business world of today, we believe it is.
An MBA graduate degree will offer you a wealth of advantages, especially when it’s from a well-regarded top business school. Getting a high MBA salary after graduation, landing a management position, developing a strong professional network, or even becoming your own boss are just a few of the advantages of studying an MBA.
Need to know more? Here are the top 7 reasons why it is worth to start studying a Business Administration degree:
1. Develop priceless management skills
MBA applicants are usually young professionals with a minimum of two years of professional experience. Even senior employees who feel up to the challenge may sometimes apply. After some time in the professional life, it is human nature to seek comfort and to avoid taking risks.
MBAs and their connected specialisations will teach you a lot about everything that makes a company tick. You will learn how to:
• Manufacture, advertise and sell your products
• Keeping the company’s finances healthy
• Maintain the company’s positive image
• Gather and interpret industry data
• Hire the right people and keep them motivated
• Create hierarchies that help the company thrive
• Making the tough calls at the right time
Studying a Master’s in Business Administration forces you to get out of your comfort zone. You’ll encounter the latest International Business trends, apply the newest management techniques, and keep challenging yourself.
Here are a few universities and business schools offering MBAs that will develop the transferable skills and business mindset you’ll need to succeed:
• James Madison University, United States
• Geneva Business School, Switzerland
• University of Wolverhampton, UK
• Koc University, Turkey
• Loughborough University, UK
2. Get free access to a large business network
As an MBA student, you have great networking opportunities. You’ll get to interact with fellow students, professors and teaching staff (business people with great management experience). And this context will accentuate your business management capabilities.
If you want to develop your business knowledge but don’t have a lot of time, you can choose a part-time MBA program next to your job. Other opportunities to gain experience are the internships included with most MBAs.
Finally, you gain access to the extensive alumni network of that particular MBA programme. Your connections will give you a great overview of the business world. Be ready for a deep understanding of the slightest changes in the business environment. You can reflect on some big business issues and make connections between various global events and world affairs.
Check some of the most popular countries where you can study an English-taught MBA:
• MBAs in Spain
• MBAs in Switzerland
• MBAs in France
• MBAs in the U.K.
• MBAs in the U.S.
3. An MBA salary is a high salary
Among the benefits of an MBA, job security and high salary are some of the most important. The average income for an MBA graduate is much higher than an employee’s with a regular Master’s. You can expect to earn twice as much as what you would get from a regular university degree.
If you’re wondering what you can do with an MBA degree or what MBA jobs are available, here are some popular career choices: business operations manager, management analyst, market research analyst, top executive, HR manager, etc.
Average salaries for MBA graduates
• In the U.S. – 84,650 EUR/year
• European countries – 100,000 EUR/year
In two-three years’ time, you cover the investment made with your MBA education.
Average two-year MBA costs at top business schools
• In the U.S. – 101,200 EUR/year
• In Europe – 9,800 to 35,600 EUR/year
4. Start your own company from scratch
Many students choose an MBA because they want to become entrepreneurs and learn how to run a business. They have a big dream and want to know how to turn it into reality. An MBA will help you acquire business practices needed to start a new business or help existing ones grow.
Many MBA graduates end up starting their own business. Those who don’t, land middle-level or top-level management positions within big companies. Just imagine how becoming your own manager would feel like.
5. Open the door to thriving career opportunities
Graduates of part-time or full-time MBA programs have higher chances of holding a high-level management position and enjoying successful MBA careers. You can also explore online MBA degrees, which offer more flexibility and allows you to learn at your own pace. Over 50% of MBA graduates worldwide are senior managers or board directors. This type of position brings a higher salary, but also greater responsibilities.
According to Bloomberg, top employers hiring the most MBA graduates in Europe include Deloitte, Ernst & Young, McKinsey, and Boston Consulting Group. American companies like Apple, IBM, Procter and Gamble, and Amazon are also hunting for MBA graduates.
6. Experience a new place and culture
By earning an MBA abroad, you will gain a new perspective on how businesses are handled and get to live in a foreign country. This will broaden your cultural horizon and your international business career prospects.
You can find companies that you want to work for and arrange meetings with potential employers. Who knows, you might end up staying and working in that country after graduation.
Here are some of the best business schools in the world in 2019 based on a ranking made by Financial Times:
• Insead Business School, in France
• University of Pennsylvania, in the U.S.
• IESE Business School, in Spain
• London Business School, in the U.K.
• National University of Singapore, in Singapore
7. Studyportals helps you apply to the right MBA
Studyportals is here to help you find the right international MBA that fits your needs. Are you determined not to waste any time and apply to an MBA right now? You can let Studyportals help you apply to our partner universities abroad. You can apply whenever you want, and it won’t cost you anything.
Here are a few universities offering MBAs you can apply to right now:
• London School of International Business
• Glasgow Caledonian University
• University of Portsmouth
• The University of Western Australia
• University of the West of Scotland
Check the Masters and see which of the degrees match your background and interests. Start the application process by filling in your student profile. You will get contacted by one of our application counsellors who will assist you further. We’ll then apply on your behalf. Find out more about applying to a Master’s degree with Studyportals.
An MBA means the worldwide recognition of your credentials
Once you graduate an MBA, regardless of the location where you plan to build your career, your degree will increase your business credibility.
The real advantage of an MBA, however, is its proven versatility. With an MBA, you can pursue many careers and advance faster to better-paid jobs.
So, start looking for an MBA degree and find your perfect match!
Business administration degrees are among the most popular college programs in the U.S., and with good reason. Armed with this versatile credential, you can potentially launch a career in any industry, from music to manufacturing, construction to consulting.
With a two-year associate’s degree, you might find employment as a management trainee in the sales or retail industry, or jump into a role in office manager or project coordination. A bachelor’s degree in business administration can give you the tools to take on administrative and managerial roles, while earning your MBA will help you take the big step into leadership positions such as CEO or CFO.
Hundreds of schools offer courses in business administration. Whether you choose a brick and mortar campus or an online-only option, expect to work closely with other students on challenging team projects that put business theory into practice.
Ready to locate the program that’s right for you?
Associate’s Degree in Business Administration
Whether you’re looking to launch a new career or advance the one you’ve got, an associate’s degree in business administration can help you find your footing in the business world. It can also be an important step toward a bachelor’s degree. Programs typically focus on accounting, management and software applications. You’ll most likely apply the techniques you’ve learned in a capstone course with real-world relevance.
Many schools offer concentrations in specific areas of business administration, including health care administration, human resources and information systems. Through career-oriented courses, these programs help students build the skills and industry background information to qualify for entry-level jobs in a specialty field.
Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration
Graduates of business administration programs typically come away with a strong grasp of business management principles, technical know-how and interpersonal skills.
With a bachelor’s degree in business administration, you will qualify for vital roles in private, public and nonprofit organizations. You will be ready to work across industries as a business analyst, human resources generalist, operations manager or marketing specialist. Some business administration graduates also venture into entrepreneurship, creating their own successful enterprises from the ground up.
In general, course work for a bachelor’s of business administration covers management principles and practices such as the following:
• Communication
• Organizational leadership
• Resource management: people, money, time
• Strategic planning
• Business-oriented computer applications
• Financial management
• Business ethics
Students can also expect their program to cover core business subjects such as accounting, finance, information technology and marketing.
As an example of a typical course load, University of Phoenix offers the following program of 120 credit hours of undergraduate courses for Bachelor of Science in Business with a concentration in Administration:
Examples of Core Courses
• Business Communications and Critical Thinking: Students will develop skills in critical thinking and decision making through the forms of written communication, including memos, emails, business letters, and reports. Other topics include communication ethics and cross-cultural communications, personal communication styles, solving organizational problems, and the evaluation of an organizations strategic direction.
• Introduction to Computer Applications and Systems:Students learn to apply Microsoft® Office tools including work processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software to accomplish business objectives.
• Management Theory and Practice: This course explores the rich field of management in theory and practice, and as both a science and an art. Students learn to apply management concepts to current workplace issues
• Principles of Accounting I: This course covers the fundamentals of financial accounting as well as the identification, measurement, and reporting of the financial effects of economic events on an enterprise.
• Principles of Accounting II: This course introduces accounting concepts in a business environment.
• Business Research: Students will learn to apply an understanding of commonly employed business research techniques to improve a situation, solve a problem, or change a process.
• Principles of Microeconomics: This course provides students with the basic theories, concepts, terminology, and uses of microeconomics.
• Finance for Business: This course introduces the student to the essential elements of finance for business. Topics include: Financial planning, working capital management, capital budgeting, long term financing, and international finance.
• Global Business Strategies: The manager’s perspective in the fields of international payments, international trade, and investment are analyzed. Emphasis is given to the materials and concepts that illuminate the strategies, structure, practices, and effects of multinational enterprises.
Other classes may include such topics as marketing, quantitative analysis, business law and integrated business.
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Programs
With an MBA degree, graduates qualify for an extensive list of management roles. From corporate controllers to executive directors in nonprofit agencies and from independent consultants to business owners, graduates of MBA degree programs position themselves for diverse professional opportunities throughout their careers.
Students can choose a full-time MBA or part-time MBA program. Full-time MBA programs typically take two years to complete. Undergraduate students can enter into a BA/MBA track where they earn their bachelor’s degree and MBA in a total of five years.
Additionally, for working professionals, busy moms and people with generally demanding schedules, pursuing an online MBA degree can be an ideal alternative to a traditional classroom program. While the curriculum may vary between schools, an accredited MBA online program delivers the same high-quality education and practical training as an on-campus program.
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Programs
A Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) prepares graduates to lead, consult and teach in corporate and academic arenas. Typically designed for applicants with management experience, DBA degree programs build on skills acquired through master’s-level studies. Like a PhD, a DBA equips professionals with expertise in leadership and management principles and a higher level of competence in conducting research.
Students can earn their DBA in three to six years, depending on whether they enroll in a full-time or part-time program.
DBA studies usually involve classes in research and analytical methods; core management subjects such as strategic planning, managing change and solutions-oriented leadership; and the student’s choice of specialization. Examples of specializations include international business, management, marketing and information systems.
Additionally, candidates for a Doctor of Business Administration degree must write and defend a doctoral dissertation and pass a comprehensive exam as part of the requirements for their degree.
What certification will I need?
Though business administration professions are frequently determined by degree types, there are certificate programs available in business administration, mostly to help develop executive education skills. If you specialize in a subfield of business administration such as human resources, accounting, finance, marketing and information technology, you’ll find a wealth of professional certificates designed to help you advance in your career—many of which are conveniently available in the online format.
What will I learn in my courses?
Those who pursue an associate’s degree in business administration will find that the course work includes the following subjects:
• Fundamentals of business
• Management
• Critical thinking
• Project planning and implementation
• Business software
• Communications
In general, course work for a bachelor’s of business administration covers management principles and practices such as the following:
• Organizational leadership
• People management
• Strategic planning
• Business-oriented computer applications
Students can also expect their program to include an introduction to core business subjects like accounting, finance, information technology and marketing.
Curriculum for an MBA program covers the following topics:
• Advanced management concepts and best practices
• Organizational behavior and design
• Ethical leadership
• Strategic planning
• International business
• Accounting
• Finance
• Information technology
• Marketing
DBA studies usually involve classes in research and analytical methods; core management subjects such as strategic planning, managing change and solutions-oriented leadership; and the student’s choice of specialization. Examples of specializations include international business, management, marketing and information systems.
How long will it take?
Depending upon your level of dedication, a business administration major can take the following time to complete:
• Associate’s degree programs, which provide entry-level opportunity, usually take two years
• A bachelor’s degree program takes four years
• Master’s degree programs and MBAs generally require one to two years
• A DBA program generally takes three to six years to complete
Are online programs available?
Luckily, online programs in business administration are readily available for all degree levels, including associates, bachelors, MBA and DBA degree programs. Online programs include general business as well as almost every specialty area, including online programs in the following:
• Computer Science
• International Business
• Finance
• Human Resources Management
• Health Care Management
• Marketing
• Accounting
• Entrepreneurship
How much will my education cost?
Bachelor’s degree programs vary depending upon the institution you attend. According to College Board’s Trends in College Pricing 2017-2018, the average annual cost* for a four-year, public institution runs around $9,970 for in-state tuition and $25,620 for out-of-state-tuition.
The average annual cost for a four-year private non-profit school is $34,740 and $16,000 for a private for-profit school. Master’s degree program tuition at in-state public institutions costs an average of $8,670 annually, and doctorate program tuition costs $10,830 annually at in-state public institutions.

Attending an accredited school may allow you to apply for financial aid, whether the school you select is a traditional classroom or online program.
Are there prerequisites?
Undergraduate: A strong college preparatory high school education is a good start for your business administration degree program. Courses in English, communications and social sciences are recommended. Mathematics courses, at least through pre-calculus, are highly desirable. If your school offers computer technology classes make sure you enroll, as these skills will be integral through college and into your career.
Graduate: A completed, four-year bachelor’s degree in business administration or a related business field will prepare you for graduate school.
GRE and GMAT: The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is not required for admission to degree programs in the U.S. However, you may submit a score for review with your admission materials.
What accreditation is there for my program?
Accreditation shows that an institution or program meets standards of quality set forth by an accrediting agency, and that it is committed not only to meet those standards but to continuously seek ways in which to improve the quality of education and training provided. There are two types of educational accreditation: institutional and specialized.
The three main specialized accreditors for business administration degree programs include:
DEFINITION of Melbourne Business School
The Melbourne Business School (MBS) offers both law and business degrees, as well as programs in marketing, management and research. The Melbourne Business School is also known for its centers of excellence that focus on various business-related topics and objectives.
BREAKING DOWN Melbourne Business School
Located in Melbourne, Australia, the Melbourne Business School was founded in 1963 and has the distinct honor of awarding the first master of business administration (MBA) degree in Australia in 1965. The school is also unique in that it is co-owned by the University of Melbourne, which owns 45%, and several Australian businesses, which own the other 55%.
Degrees Offered by Melbourne Business School
Degrees offered by Melbourne Business School include:
Masters in Management
• Accounting
• Accounting and Finance
• Finance
• Human Resources
• Marketing
Specialist Masters
• Applied Econometrics
• Actuarial Science
• Business Analytics
• Commerce
• Economics
• Enterprise
• Entrepreneurship
• Finance
• Marketing
• Public Administration
• Supply Chain Management
They also offer a master’s in international business, part-time, full-time and executive MBA programs, PhDs and certificates in leadership and strategic marketing.
Campus Life and Applying
The main campus of MBS is located in Carlton, a suburb of Melbourne within walking distance to the Central Business District. Executive classes are also taught at the Mt. Eliza campus, which was the Mt. Eliza Business School before the two institutions merged in 2004, on the Mornington Peninsula. Students are offered the opportunity to participate in a wide range of enrichment programs, including competitions, community engagement and workplace opportunities.
Anyone interested in attending MBS must take the graduate management admission test (GMAT), and those recently accepted have had an average score of 705. Applicants should also have two years of relevant work experience and will need to provide their CV, academic transcript, a personal statement and two professional references.
Tuition and Scholarship Opportunities
In 2018 the cost of the full-time MBA program was A$85,470 for domestic and international students. International students are required to carry health insurance while they attend the school, which is an additional cost. Many scholarships are available to MBS students. Graduate and research students can apply for domestic or international scholarships based on merit and/or major. Some scholarships must be applied for during certain rounds (semesters), while others can be applied for at any time.
In 2017, the Melbourne Business School’s MBA was ranked 76th worldwide by The Financial Times, and its marketing program was ranked third. Graduates of MBS have gone on to become CEOs of hospitals, businesses and newspapers, politicians, police chiefs and chairmen.
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DEFINITION of Leeds School of Business
The Leeds School of Business is the school of business at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Leeds School of Business’ enrollment is approximately 3,400 undergraduate and graduate-level students. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in a variety of business disciplines, including accounting, information systems, management, finance, marketing and operations and information management.
BREAKING DOWN Leeds School of Business
Located in Boulder, Colo., the Leeds School of Business was established in 1906 as the College of Comm within the College of Liberal Arts. In 1922, the business program became the School of Business Administration. The school changed its name to the Leeds School of Business in 2001, following a large donation from the Leeds family, alumni of the school. The donation made social responsibility and ethics a hallmark of the curriculum.
Leeds School of Business Social Responsibility and Ethics
As part of its $35 million donation, the Leeds family mandated that all students at the Leeds School of Business receive meaningful training in social responsibility, business ethics, diversity and inclusion, and sustainability. Undergraduate students have the opportunity to earn a certificate in socially responsible enterprise. The school also offers executive education in corporate social responsibility, as well as leadership development programs in the natural foods industry.
Leeds School of Business Programs
The Leeds School of Business offers undergraduate degrees in several concentrations, including accounting, finance, marketing, and management and entrepreneurship. The school also offers master of business administration (MBA) degrees, evening MBA, master’s in accounting, master’s in business analytics, master’s in finance, master’s in real estate and master’s in supply chain management. Leeds School of Business also offers PhD programs.
Within the Leeds School of Business, students can participate in about 40 academic clubs, such as The National Association of Women M.B.A.’s and the CU Finance Club.
Leeds School of Business Rankings and Accreditation
The Leeds School of Business has been ranked number 20 in the country for undergraduate business program by U.S. News & World Report, number 65 best graduate business school by U.S. News & World Report and number 51 best part-time MBA program by U.S. News & World Report.
The MBA program has been ranked number 80 by Bloomberg Businessweek.
The Leeds School of Business is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).
AACSB represents the highest standard of accreditation for business schools internationally. Less than 5% of the more than 16,000 schools worldwide, that grant business degrees, have earned AACSB accreditation.

Relatively recent advancements in education technology have enabled universities and colleges across the country to offer affordable online Master’s of Business Administration degrees. Such programs allow aspiring professionals to advance their technical expertise and subject knowledge without ever leaving the comfort of their homes, pursuing degrees at a pace that fits their lifestyles and schedules. In addition, with flexible class schedules, many professionals who earn an online MBA can continue working part- or full-time, depending on their course load. In this ranking, we explore the top 25 most affordable online Master’s of Business Administration degrees.MethodologyWe developed the following list for students looking for an affordable Master’s in Business Administration online. Using information obtained from each school’s website, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), and U.S. News & World Report, we were able to develop a comprehensive list of the top master’s online in business administration for graduate students. To get these schools, we conducted a search for the term “Master’s of Business Administration degree” using the NCES’s College Navigator database and narrowed down the initial pool of more than 200 schools into the top 25 based on factors such as national rankings and the average program cost.Average Cost of AttendanceAlthough tuition is arguably the first thing that prospective students search for when comparing degrees under the assumption that the most expensive programs are the best, such is not always the case. In fact, some of the most affordable online master’s in business administration degrees may offer topics or specializations that the more costly schools do not. Every program on our list costs less than $35,000 in total program tuition, and we awarded points based on the cost ranges as outlined below.Points:Under $15,000: 3 points$15,001 to $20,000: 2 points$20,001 or more: 1 pointCollege RankingStudents looking for an online master’s in business administration should also be aware of how their prospective schools compare to other institutions offering similar programs or degrees. For this category, we consulted U.S. News & World Report, a nationally recognized agency responsible for comparing and evaluating the quality of degrees, programs, and schools in the country. For the purpose of our list, we awarded points for its Best Online MBA category based on how the agency ranked each school.Points:U.S. News & World Report: Best Online MBA Program Ranking:Top 10: 5 pointsTop 25: 4 pointsTop 50: 3 pointsTop 75: 2 pointsTop 100: 1 pointRanking Top 25 Most Affordable Online Master of Business Administration DegreesNorthwest Nazarene UniversityNampa, IdahoThe online MBA from Northwest Nazarene University can be completed in 16 months of study.Points: 3Program WebsiteThe Master of Business Administration at Northwest Nazarene University is offered entirely online. A generalist program in business administration, it is designed for working professionals looking for an intensive, ACBSP-accredited course of study. Students who take two eight-week sessions simultaneously can earn their degree within 16 months, and students should expect to spend 12 to 16 hours per week on each course. MBA students may also choose from an emphasis on healthcare, which consists of an additional nine credits, or an emphasis on accounting, which consists of an additional 12 credits and can be completed within 18 months. Students who choose the accounting pathway are prepared to sit for CPA licensure, and face-to-face review sessions may be offered in addition to online classes.Degree Options:Master of Business AdministrationAverage Program Cost: $19,635U.S. News & World Report Ranking:#215-#284Frostburg State UniversityFrostburg, MarylandThe online MBA from Frostburg State University requires 36-42 credit hours of coursework.Points: 3Program WebsiteFrostburg State University’s online Master of Business Administration is designed in a seven-week course model that gives students the flexibility to juggle academic, personal, and professional commitments. Students pursuing the 36- to 42-credit-hour program take eight core courses, and all students will choose among three concentrations that include an additional four courses focusing on honing professional knowledge and skills. These concentrations include management, healthcare management, and business analytics. The program is designed for both non-business and business majors, and it is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Students may complete the MBA program in as few as 12 months will full-time enrollment.Degree Options:Master of Business AdministrationAverage Program Cost: $19,584U.S. News & World Report Ranking:#131 (tie)Park UniversityParkville, MissouriPark University’s online MBA requires 33 credit hours of coursework.Points: 3Program WebsitePark University’s 33-credit-hour Master of Business Administration program is available entirely online, on-campus, or a combination of the two. MBA courses are offered in an accelerated, eight-week format that allows students to complete the program in as few as 15 months. Graduate students may pursue a general MBA degree or tailor the program through electives based on their professional interests. Alternatively, students may choose a formal area of concentration such as quality and innovation management, project management, management information systems, management accounting, human resource management, or homeland security. Specializations in global executive, global business, finance, and disaster and emergency management are also available.Degree Options:Master of Business AdministrationAverage Program Cost: $18,117U.S. News & World Report Ranking:#215-#284Shippensburg UniversityShippensburg, PennsylvaniaThe online MBA from Shippensburg University requires 30 credit hours of coursework.Points: 3Program WebsiteThe online MBA offered by Shippensburg University is a 30-credit, AACSB-accredited program that is comprised of eight required courses and two electives. Designed to help students develop the skills and knowledge they need to conduct business successfully in both international and domestic contexts, the program is available entirely online using a combination of synchronous and asynchronous exercises, discussions, and lectures. Courses are taught in accelerated eight-week sessions with optional opportunities to interact with other students and faculty through live online video conferencing. Some exams may be proctored, which might require students to be flexible in arranging for in-person testing at specific locations. Students who complete two courses each semester can finish the program within two years.Degree Options:MBA OnlineAverage Program Cost: $18,000U.S. News & World Report Ranking:#143 (tie)Andrews UniversityBerrien Springs, MichiganAndrews University’s online MBA requires 33 credit hours of coursework.Points: 3Program WebsiteThe Master of Business Administration at Andrews University is offered entirely online, although the final courses are provided on-campus during three-week intensives. Students complete 33 credits of coursework if they hold an undergraduate degree in business; an additional 13 hours of prerequisites are required for non-business majors. Students who are taking classes on a full-time basis and who hold a Bachelor’s in Business Administration may complete the program within one year. The curriculum integrates Christian ethical principles with business concepts to prepare students for positions in leadership, international and domestic business, nonprofit organizations, and government.Degree Options:Business Administration – MBAAverage Program Cost: $17,721U.S. News & World Report Ranking:#202 (tie)University of North AlabamaFlorence, AlabamaThe University of North Alabama’s MBA requires 34 credit hours of coursework.Points: 3Program WebsiteThe Master of Business Administration at the University of North Alabama is one of the top-ranked programs of its kind in Alabama. Faculty members bring real-world experience to the classroom that serves as a foundation for the program, and students benefit from professors’ experience and research by solving business problems, using case studies, and developing practical strategies, knowledge, and business skills. Students may pursue a traditional online 34-credit-hour MBA and specialize in a concentration such as accounting, information systems, finance, sales and new business development, global business, human resource management, project management, and healthcare management. Students may also pursue an Executive MBA if they have five years of business experience and they wish to improve their management and leadership skills.Degree Options:Master of Business AdministrationExecutive Master of Business AdministrationAverage Program Cost: $16,150U.S. News & World Report Ranking:#175 (tie)University of MaryBismarck, North DakotaThe online MBA from the University of Mary can be completed in 20 months of study.Points: 3Program WebsiteStudents pursuing the online Master of Business Administration from the University of Mary can complete the program within 20 months. The curriculum provides students with the skills and knowledge they need for leadership and management positions in various business careers. Students can choose from nine optional concentration areas to tailor their MBA toward their specific career objectives, including topics in virtuous leadership, public administration, project management, human resource management, healthcare informatics, healthcare, Catholic philanthropy, and an executive program. Required courses focus on economic analysis, accounting, finance, operations management, management and organizational behavior, marketing, statistics and research, ethics, human resources, and project management. The program culminates with a final graduate business capstone.Degree Options:Master of Business Administration (MBA) OnlineAverage Program Cost: $15,000U.S. News & World Report Ranking:N/AFitchburg State UniversityFitchburg, MassachusettsThe online MBA from Fitchburg State University requires 30 credit hours of coursework.Points: 3Program WebsiteTo earn the Master of Business Administration from Fitchburg State University, students must complete a total of 10 courses, or 30 credit hours of study, including a three-hour elective course, nine hours of required management concentration courses, and 18 hours of advanced core requirements. Online courses are taught and designed by the same on-campus faculty, many of whom are working professionals in the field. The curriculum focuses on participation through collaborative learning groups and online class discussions. Areas of study include strategic management, accounting practices, corporate finance, marketing management, management information systems, and organizational behavior and development. The program is accredited by the IACBE, and graduates are prepared with the essential capabilities and knowledge to pursue different management opportunities in the ever-growing business world.Degree Options:Master of Business Administration in Management OnlineAverage Program Cost: $12,510U.S. News & World Report Ranking:N/AEmporia State UniversityEmporia, KansasEmporia State University’s online MBA offers three degree concentrations.Points: 3Program WebsiteThe AACSB-accredited online Master of Business Administration at Emporia State University is delivered in accelerated, eight-week courses. The curriculum provides students with a practical understanding of best practices in business management, and case study-driven coursework allows students to apply what they have learned immediately after graduation. Classes cover the fundamentals of marketing, financial management, and managerial economics as well as the use of information technology and systems in management. Students can choose from three online MBA concentrations: accounting, information systems, and marketing. Each concentration consists of 36 credit hours of study and can be completed in as few as 12 months. Electives are available in topics such as consumer behavior, electronic marketing, and marketing analytics as well as enterprise resource planning (ERP) and systems analysis and design.Degree Options:Master of Business Administration OnlineAverage Program Cost: $12,357U.S. News & World Report Ranking:N/ATexas A&M University-Corpus ChristiCorpus Christi, TexasThe online MBA from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi requires 30 credit hours of coursework.Points: 3Program WebsiteTexas A&M University-Corpus Christi confers a 30-credit-hour online Master of Business Administration that can be completed within 12 months of full-time study. Students can pursue a general MBA or opt for a concentration in accounting, healthcare administration, or finance. Students who have earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration are required to complete only 10 courses; an additional four courses are required for undergraduate degrees in other industries. Areas covered in the online MBA include marketing management, software-based business solutions, organizational behavior and theory, managerial finance, managerial economics, accounting, operations management, and a capstone in administrative strategy and policy. Elective offerings include a course in entrepreneurship and a seminar in either social media marketing or leadership.Degree Options:Online Master of Business AdministrationAverage Program Cost: $12,313U.S. News & World Report Ranking:N/AEastern New Mexico UniversityPortales, New MexicoEastern New Mexico University’s online MBA requires 30 credit hours of coursework.Points: 3Program WebsiteThe online Master of Business Administration at Eastern New Mexico University emphasizes the development of managerial generalists rather than specialists and requires study in all major functional areas of business. The program is comprised of several components, including core classes, undergraduate common professional courses, and skill competency. Students must complete 30 hours of coursework, and topic areas include managerial finance and economics, strategic management, managerial research analysis, human resources, marketing management, information systems, production and operations management, and more. An accounting concentration is available, which requires three additional classes in attestation service, federal taxation, and financial accounting. ENMU requires a comprehensive integrative experience to be completed during the last semester of the program.Degree Options:Master of Business Administration (MBA)Average Program Cost: $8,473U.S. News & World Report Ranking:N/AFayetteville State UniversityFayetteville, North CarolinaThe online MBA from Fayetteville State University can be completed in 24 months of study.Points: 3Program WebsiteFayetteville State University’s online Master of Business Administration is an affordable, flexible way for busy professionals to achieve their academic goals. With fully recorded lectures, live lectures, and industry-best software tools, students are continuously connected to FayState’s business community. The core curriculum for the MBA consists of 27 credit hours, followed by nine to 12 elective credit hours that can be used to pursue a concentration in one of 10 areas such as entrepreneurship, business intelligence and data analytics, general business, finance, international business, healthcare management, marketing, management, supply chain management, and project management. Students generally take two classes per semester and can complete the program within 24 months. However, students can take classes on their own schedule, earning a degree in anywhere from 12 to 72 months.Degree Options:Business Administration (MBA)Average Program Cost: $7,813U.S. News & World Report Ranking:N/ALongwood UniversityFarmville, VirginiaLongwood University’s online MBA requires 36 credit hours of coursework.Points: 4Program WebsiteLongwood University’s College of Business and Economics confers an online Master of Business Administration. The flexible and accessible delivery system allows for on-campus, short-term residencies over the summer months designed to fit students’ professional and personal lifestyles. Students are required to complete 36 credit hours to graduate, including 24 credit hours in the core curriculum in topic areas such as marketing, statistics, management, information technology, finance, economics, and accounting. An additional 12 credit hours comprise the specialized curriculum for concentrations in real estate or general business. The classes are taught by tenure-track, full-time doctoral professors, and the program is accredited by the AACSB.Degree Options:Online MBAAverage Program Cost: $20,988U.S. News & World Report Ranking:#90 (tie)West Chester UniversityWest Chester, PennsylvaniaWest Chester University’s online MBA can be completed in one year of study.Points: 4Program WebsiteWest Chester University’s AACSB-accredited online Master of Business Administration is ranked among the top online MBA programs in the country based on its academic and career support services, excellence among peer institutions, and admissions selectivity. Students taking one course at a time on a part-time basis can graduate within two years; full-time students may complete the program within one year. Throughout the curriculum, students are exposed to the core business topics relevant to a global business environment. Courses are delivered asynchronously, and students must complete 10 classes to graduate. Areas of study include financial analysis and valuation, strategic management, leadership, global operations and supply chain management, marketing, economics, law and ethics, and entrepreneurship. A comprehensive exam is required to graduate.Degree Options:Master of Business AdministrationAverage Program Cost: $20,432U.S. News & World Report Ranking:#58 (tie)Fort Hays State UniversityHays, KansasFort Hays State University’s online MBA requires 34 credit hours of coursework.Points: 4Program WebsiteDesigned for working professionals, the Master of Business Administration at Fort Hays State University consists of 34 credit hours and combines core MBA coursework with a concentration. Individuals without an undergraduate degree in business administration may be required to complete an additional 12 hours of prerequisites. Students may choose from 13 concentrations such as marketing, leadership, finance, or human resource management. Throughout the program, students develop skills in the functional areas of business, learning how to apply what they have learned in order to achieve organizational goals in a global environment. Graduates have gone on to assume leadership roles in organizations such as IBM, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Kansas Department of Commerce.Degree Options:Master of Business AdministrationAverage Program Cost: $14,400U.S. News & World Report Ranking:#113 (tie)University of South FloridaTampa, FloridaThe online MBA from the University of South Florida require 32 credit hours of coursework.Points: 4Program WebsiteOffered by the Muma College of Business at the University of South Florida, the online Master of Business Administration is available entirely online. The program consists of 32-hours of study, which full-time students can finish in just four semesters if they hold a bachelor’s in business administration and are exempt from taking foundation courses. Part-time students may earn their degree within three years. The program allows for flexibility and customization, and students may choose electives based on their professional goals as well as one of three concentrations in risk and anti-money laundering, data analysis, or cybersecurity. Core courses include topic areas such as financial analysis, communication, leadership and management, operations management and quality enhancement, data analytics, and social, ethical, and legal systems. Students may replace three of the five required MBA electives with one practicum experience, and capstone course is required for graduation.Degree Options:Master of Business AdministrationAverage Program Cost: $12,770U.S. News & World Report Ranking:#82Jacksonville State UniversityJacksonville, AlabamaThe online MBA from Jacksonville State University requires 30 credit hours of coursework.Points: 4Program WebsiteThe MBA program at Jacksonville State University consists of 30 semester hours of study for the general degree or 33 semester hours of courses for the accounting concentration. All students are required to take 24 semester hours of foundation courses in areas such as marketing, management, finance, accounting, and statistics, although this requirement may be waived if the student has earned an undergraduate degree in business administration. Both programs cover topic areas such as marketing administration, international business, leadership, financial management, economics, accounting information analysis, and quantitative methods for business decisions. Students round out their degree with six semester hours of electives. The program is accredited by the AACSB, and research opportunities are available to graduate students under faculty supervision. Internships help students acquire on-the-job work experience, and real-world case studies are provided through the Small Business Development Center.Degree Options:MBA ProgramAverage Program Cost: $11,460U.S. News & World Report Ranking:#147 (tie)University of Tennessee MartinMartin, TennesseeThe online MBA at the University of Tennessee Martin can be completed in 18 months of study.Points: 5Program WebsiteOpen to all students, the online MBA at the University of Tennessee Martin is cohort-based, with 20 students admitted per cohort. Most students complete the AACSB-accredited program in 18 months, and each class lasts between six and eight weeks. All coursework is delivered online, and there are no on-campus or residency requirements. Students use virtual group meeting rooms, virtual classrooms, email, and discussion boards to interact with classmates and faculty. Classes are provided sequentially and include areas of study such as strategic management, operations management, accounting, marketing strategy, managerial economics, law and ethics, corporate financial management, and organizational theory and design. Graduates develop effective leadership, teamwork, oral, and written communication skills as well as an understanding of the integrated nature of business functions.Degree Options:Online MBAAverage Program Cost: $22,116U.S. News & World Report Ranking:#34SUNY OswegoOswego, New YorkThe online MBA from SUNY Oswego requires 36 credit hours of coursework.Points: 5Program WebsiteThe Master of Business Administration program at SUNY Oswego provides students with the confidence, knowledge, and skills necessary to lead in today’s global and diverse industries. The award-winning faculty stress practical problem-solving situations through classes that are continuously evolving with the latest AACSB-accredited standards. Students complete 36 credit hours of core, elective, and directed elective study that build upon a 21-credit-hour foundation of accepted management principles, concepts, and skills. Core coursework investigates critical areas of study such as organization and management, international business, management science, marketing management, managerial finance, and management information systems. A three-credit capstone course in management policy is required for graduation.Degree Options:Master of Business AdministrationAverage Program Cost: $22,068U.S. News & World Report Ranking:#40University of North DakotaGrand Forks, North DakotaThe online MBA from the University of North Dakota requires 43 credit hours of coursework.Points: 5Program WebsiteThe AACSB-accredited online Master of Business Administration at the University of North Dakota is regarded as one of the top programs of its kind in the country. Available on-campus or entirely online, students can finish the required 43 semester credits within two years if taking classes on a full-time basis. Students complete nine credits in a concentration and 34 credit hours of required courses that are organized into four modules: Strategy, Financial and Economic Analysis, Business Analytics, and Executive Management. Concentrations are offered in government and business, business analytics, general studies, social entrepreneurship, and international business. Areas of study in this program include business intelligence, econometrics, organizational leadership and ethics, strategic supply chain management, and quantitative analysis for management decisions. Graduates are prepared for careers in the military, management and leadership, marketing, engineering, banking, accounting, and finance. UND also offers a JD/MBA joint degree.Degree Options:Business Administration (M.B.A.)Average Program Cost: $20,941U.S. News & World Report Ranking:#31 (tie)University of North TexasDenton, TexasThe online MBA from the University of North Texas can be completed in 14 months of study.Points: 5Program WebsiteThe University of North Texas offers an accelerated online Master of Business Administration degree that can be completed in as few as 14 months. Students may choose from concentrations in marketing, marketing analytics, strategic management, organizational behavior and human resource management, supply chain management, and supply chain analytics. The AACSB-accredited program is available entirely online, and students may choose from five available start dates in January, March, June, August, and October for the eight-week courses. Students may choose the pace that works best for them by taking one or two classes at a time and scheduling their education around their professional or familial responsibilities.Degree Options:Accelerated Online M.B.A.Average Program Cost: $19,452U.S. News & World Report Ranking:#31 (tie)Auburn UniversityAuburn, AlabamaThe online MBA from Auburn University requires 13 courses.Points: 6Program WebsiteRanked among the top 10 online Master of Business Administration programs in the country, the MBA at Auburn University gives students the advantage they need to succeed in a competitive business environment. Students use CANVAS, the school’s online learning platform, to access course materials, submit homework, hold questions and ask questions with classmates and professors, work with team members on group assignments, and view lectures. Students take 13 classes, including four electives and nine core business courses, and they may do so at their own pace as long as they finish the program within six years. Students who take two courses each semester may earn their online MBA within two and a half years. Areas of study include organizational leadership and change, information systems, cost analysis and systems, marketing and consumer theory, and financial analysis. Dual graduate degree options are available in information systems, industrial and systems engineering, and finance.Degree Options:Master of Business Administration OnlineAverage Program Cost: $34,125U.S. News & World Report Ranking:#9 (tie)Ball State UniversityMuncie, IndianaThe online MBA from Ball State University offers five degree concentrations.Points: 6Program WebsiteBall State University’s Master of Business Administration degree is available online, on-campus, or a blend of both, and students may customize their MBA by choosing either a general MBA or one of five concentrations in sales management, logistics and supply chain management, finance, entrepreneurship, and health economics, policy, and administration. Students may complete the AACSB-accredited program on a full- or part-time basis. Those with a business degree are required to take 30 to 33 credits of study, while those without a business degree may take up to 51 credits depending on the concentration chosen and the foundation courses needed. Electives cover in-depth knowledge of sales, marketing, management, finance, entrepreneurship, and more.Degree Options:Master of Business AdministrationAverage Program Cost: $17,160U.S. News & World Report Ranking:#13 (tie)Oklahoma State UniversityStillwater, OklahomaOklahoma State University’s online MBA can be completed in 12 months of study.Points: 6Program WebsiteOklahoma State University’s Spears School of Business confers a 33-credit-hour online Master of Business Administration that can be completed in as few as 12 months. The difference between the online and the on-campus MBA offered by OSU is that the online program does not include a three-hour professional development and case competition. Students take core coursework in project management, corporate and business strategy, management and organization theory, financial reporting, economics, marketing management, and managerial economics. Although 12 concentrations are available on-campus, only nine are offered online, including nonprofit management, marketing analytics, information assurance, human resource management, global marketing, entrepreneurship, energy business, data science, and business sustainability.Degree Options:MBAAverage Program Cost: $14,162U.S. News & World Report Ranking:#38 (tie)Kennesaw State UniversityKennesaw, GeorgiaThe online MBA from Kennesaw State University can be completed in 20 months of study.Points: 7Program WebsiteThe Coles College of Business at Kennesaw State University confers a top-ranked online Master of Business Administration that spans every business function, graduating students who are prepared for a broad spectrum of careers and industries. Known by KSU as the WebMBA, the program’s cohort structure promotes long-lasting relationships, peer-to-peer learning, and efficient student interactions. Students take courses each in a lock-step schedule for five consecutive terms, and they may earn their degree in about 20 months. Classes in the KSU WebMBA have the same outcomes and learning objectives as in-class courses, covering the same topics and using the same course materials and textbooks. Areas of study include business strategy, production and operations management, management information systems, and entrepreneurship. Students will also be exposed to managerial finance, strategic marketing, accounting, human behavior in organizations, and global and international business.Degree Options:Master of Business AdministrationAverage Program Cost: $12,639U.S. News & World Report Ranking:#21 (tie)Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat are the Career Options for an Online Master’s in Business Administration Degree?Students who earn an online MBA will have the education and skills needed to qualify for positions in a variety of industries after graduation. However, as is the case with any job, individual eligibility depends on the area in which the student specialized while earning their degree. Some of the most popular career options for graduates with an MBA include:Executives: Top-level executives are responsible for all of their firm’s activities, including marketing campaigns, budgets, and finances. Specific roles in this career path include operational manager, chief operating officer (COO), and chief executive officer (CEO).Marketing, Promotions, and Advertising Managers: These professionals work with salespeople, financial officers, and creative directors to help their organizations generate a buzz about the services or products they sell. Depending on their title, they may take charge in advertising campaigns or determine areas in which organizations can improve through comprehensive project evaluations.Human Resources Managers: Also known as HR managers, these professionals are in charge of an organization’s administrative functions. They meet with higher-ups to develop strategies for finding qualified candidates, and they lead personnel teams in the training, hiring, interviewing, screening, and recruiting new employees.Financial Managers: Financial managers are responsible for overseeing an organization’s financial activities. They may provide advice about investment opportunities and asset management to executives and develop long- and short-term budget plans. Specific roles include insurance managers, treasurers, controllers, and chief financial officers (CFOs).How Much Can You Earn in This Field?Like many careers, graduates with an MBA often enjoy higher salaries than those with only a bachelor’s degree. In addition, the type of job, level of experience, location, and education also play a significant role when determining average salary with this degree. According to a recent survey by the Graduate Management Admissions Council, companies in the U.S. are offering a median base starting salary of $105,000 to recent MBA graduates in 2018, compared to $65,000 for bachelor’s-holders and $85,000 for direct-from-industry new employees.Payscale.com reports that the average median salary by job for MBA-holding graduates can be broken down as follows:Chief Financial Officer: $146,343Project Manager: $83,024Senior Financial Analyst: $80,852Operations Manager: $77,420Marketing Manager: $76,678Human Resources Manager: $69,096Financial Analyst: $62,632What Concentrations Are Available in Business Administration?More students are pursuing online MBA degrees due to the flexibility and breadth of application in the business industry. Although programs may vary based on each individual school, graduates develop the knowledge and skills they need to obtain positions of leadership in the ever-growing world of business. The following are some of the most common concentrations that one can choose to take while pursuing an online MBA degree:Leadership: In this concentration, students learn how to manage organizations, teams, and individuals. Coursework may include human resource management, team-building, creative decision-making, and executive leadership.Marketing: In this concentration, students earn about product development and design, data mining, buyer behavior, and the foundation and best practices of marketing management. Graduates are trained for positions in brand management, acting as social media specialists who lead teams in the various industries in which they work.Entrepreneurship: In this concentration, students learn how to create business plans, present the plans to investors, and plan venture capital. Students also investigate the startup market’s economy in order to build their own companies from the ground up or act as consultants who help others sustain their own business goals.What Classes Will You Take in an Online MBA Program?Online graduate degrees in business administration build upon what students have learned at the undergraduate level. Since many programs must meet certain specifications in order to be accredited, coursework is very similar among schools and degree programs. However, classes may vary depending on the focus and history of the school in addition to the expertise and interests of the faculty. A specialization or concentration will influence the curriculum as well. Strategic ManagementA course in strategic management teaches students how to integrate decisions into different functional areas within the business industry, including how to formulate policy and strategy within a specific company. Students also use case studies as templates for developing and implementing specific management plans, and they are prepared to become effective team leaders in different types of business environments. A strategic management class is typically offered as a prerequisite that students must complete before taking advanced classes in business management. Finance and Financial AccountingMost online MBA programs offer a course in finance and financial accounting, particularly in programs that prepare students to become accountants and managers. This course focuses on modern practices in financial reporting and accounting systems, including how to interpret and evaluate the external fiscal reports of an organization. Students may also study current changes in the industry, how financial statements are structured, profitability analysis, and the cycle of accounting. Information TechnologyStudents taking a course in information technology will take a comprehensive look at issues within information systems management such as systems acquisition, support applications, best practices, and other areas they need to understand in order to be a successful social media analyst and team leader within the global economy. Students can expect to use case studies to develop solutions for existing or new problems in order to improve social, enterprise, and consumer technologies.Are There Any Professional Organizations for MBA Graduates?Both current MBA students and recent graduates can benefit from joining a professional organization. Whether you wish to learn about different approaches to business administration, make professional connections in the industry, or find out more about your specialization or career path, a professional organization can help. The following are three of the most well-respected professional organizations that maintain active job boards, provide online training sessions, host networking events, and offer other career-related services for recent graduates.National Black MBA Association, Inc.National Association of Women MBAsAssociation of MBAsEarning an online MBA opens up many doors in terms of career options. Whether you wish to run your own business or you are dreaming of a top-level position as a chief executive officer, our list of the top 25 most affordable online Master’s of Business Administration degrees can help you get started as you begin to pursue your academic and professional goals.